
Advocating for Pool and Spa Industry Businesses and Consumers


We Work Year-Round to Represent You

CPSA is the only organization that represents the California pool and spa industry before state legislative and regulatory bodies. CPSA works year-round to protect the pool and spa industry and your consumers from ill-conceived legislation, while helping lawmakers create more effective policies. CPSA strives to work closely with other industry associations and trades to develop consensus positions relative to legislative, regulatory, and public policy issues. With the proper financial support and the manpower of our membership, CPSA can continue its work as the public policy leader in California on swimming pool and spa issues.


We Protect You at the Legislative, Regulatory, and Public Policy Level

CPSA represents members’ interests at the decision-making level by tracking and reviewing proposed legislation and regulations; monitoring the opinions and actions of lawmakers; maintaining a regular presence at the California Legislature and regulatory agencies; and testifying before legislative and regulatory bodies on behalf of the swimming pool and spa industry. CPSA protects you, your business, and your consumers by:

  • actively lobbying for or against new laws and regulations,
  • creating position papers for legislators and staff,
  • offering amendments that help create better public policy,
  • supporting laws and regulations that make the industry stronger.